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Key considerations while hiring React Developers

React is an open-source JS library that the developers use for User Interface building. It helps solve the issues of partially updated webpages. React JS is important for building single page app development. Some renowned tech biggies use React; such as Facebook, Instagram, Codeacademy, Amazon, Netflix etc.

Nearly 9,600,000+ live websites & 10,234 famous companies internationally are using React. The main reasons for its continuous popularity are user-friendliness, fast rendering, flexibility, convenience, and the chance to make user-friendly interfaces.

Essential Skills to consider when Hiring React JS Developers:

1. EcmaScript & JavaScript – ReactJS developers need to know the JS syntax, features and functions. They should have experience in DOM operation, ES6 syntax, JavaScript functions, scopes, event bubbling & hoisting. A thorough understanding of EcmaScript is important to create spontaneous React apps.

2. Technical Expertise – The developer must know about JSON, advanced HTML & HTML5, ESLint, Scsslint as well as Rest APIs. They ought to know different React core concepts, like props, JSX, hooks, class, component lifecycle techniques and functional components. Furthermore, they should be skilled in other tech platforms such as Jira, Jenkins and Zoho.

3. Testing Tools & Frameworks – They should have a good grasp over end-to-end testing tools & frameworks such as WebDriver work, Selenium, NightwatchJS, Cypress, CucumberJS, and Puppeteer.

4. Multiple Technologies – You must choose the developers with good knowledge in multiple technologies friendly with ReactJS such as the MERN stack. They need to know about MERN Stack and Express-React combo essential to cope with server load, generate full-stack JS apps, and administer various requests.

5. Version Control Systems – Hiring developers who are experienced in VCSs is vital to compare the old-new code, evaluate current code, and decrease possible errors efficiently and quickly.

6. JS Build Tools – You must hire front-end developers who are well-aware of several JS tools, Redux Dev Tools & React Developer Tools – Google Chrome. They should be skilled in expanding the React library & coping with build tools such as Yarn, Webpack, NPM, & Visual Studio Code.

7. React Basics & Styling Methods – Your ReactJS developers need to know about the Create React App as well as its functions. Plus, they need to be professionals in technologies such as Babel, NextJS, JSX, etc.

8. ReactJS Workflows – Competent ReactJS developers can administer projects & prioritize the state managing, and their portfolio must display application performance optimization jobs.

9. Sprint Planning – When hiring the developers, make sure that they can plan tasks or workflows and finish them in the required deadline. Thus, you need to hire the developers who are specialists in sprint planning.

10. Flexible Learning Curve – React features remarkable community support. It is among the best libraries for web development, that undergoes massive changes & progresses each day. The developers have to learn technology updates & changes whenever required.